Call for Abstract

Aging, Health, Wellness Conference: For a better Aging Care, will be organized around the theme “Advancing the Future of Healthy Aging”

Aging Meet 2019 is comprised of 20 tracks and 124 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Aging Meet 2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Frailty is a common negative consequence of aging. Sarcopenia is the syndrome of loss of muscle mass, quality and strength which is more common in older adults and has been considered a precursor syndrome or the physical manifestation of frailty. Age-associated changes to the immune system have been suggested as contributors to sarcopenia and frailty but a direct causative role remains to be established. In recent decades life expectancy has increased but healthy life expectancy has not been increased to the same extent, which means people are living more years with a functional loss.

  • Track 1-1Biology of frailty and aging
  • Track 1-2Cognitive frailty
  • Track 1-3Epidemiology
  • Track 1-4Nutrition and Aging
  • Track 1-5Osteoporosis & Frailty
  • Track 1-6Osteoporosis & Sarcopenia
  • Track 1-7Physical exercise

Aesthetic medicine is an inclusive term for specialities that concentrate on enhancing cosmetic appearance thru the treatment of conditions which includes scars, skin laxity, wrinkles, moles, liver spots, excess fat, cellulite, unwanted hair, skin discolouration, and spider veins. Aesthetic medicine incorporates both surgical and non-surgical procedures. Traditionally, aesthetic medication incorporates dermatology, reconstructive surgery and plastic surgery. Aesthetic medicine speciality isn't always constrained to dermatologists and plastic surgeons as doctors of all specialities seek to offer services to deal with their patient's aesthetic needs and desires

  • Track 2-1Aging science
  • Track 2-2Cosmeceuticals
  • Track 2-3Cosmetic and Plastic surgery
  • Track 2-4Dermatology
  • Track 2-5Non-invasive procedures
  • Track 2-6Physical surgery
  • Track 2-7Reconstructive surgery

Theories of aging may be divided into classes: those that answer the query “Why do we age?” then that is an evolutionary theory of aging and those that deal with the question “How do we age?” then it is a physiologic theory of aging. These theories compete with each other, making it not likely that multiple of them could be true. Over time, a few theories have fallen out of favour as others have turn out to be more extensively accepted. Other theories, more properly referred to as hypotheses, are smaller in scope and address the question, “How will we age?” They try to provide an explanation for the mechanisms that affect how we and other species age, and it is possible that a number of them are concurrently true. Checking out these hypotheses is the current pursuit of most aging ¬research. Identification of the mechanisms that affect aging ought to cause interventions that slow or modify aging. Current research means that there may be a limited number of these mechanisms, giving scientists hope that their efforts may additionally one-day cause strategies that would assist us to lead longer, healthier lives.

  • Track 3-1Accumulation theories
  • Track 3-2Antagonistic pleiotropy theory
  • Track 3-3Clinker theories
  • Track 3-4Clunker theory
  • Track 3-5DNA/Genetic Theory
  • Track 3-6Systemic signalling theory
  • Track 3-7Unified theory of aging

Senescence is defined as the period when synthetic (anabolic) biochemical process gives way to a degradative (catabolic) process. In general, it is the phenomenon of aging. It is the gradual deterioration of functional characteristics. It is the inevitable fate of all multicellular organisms with germ-soma separation, but it can be delayed. The pattern of Senescence can be Cellular Senescence, Tissue Senescence, Organ Senescence, Organism or Whole plant Senescence

  • Track 4-1Acute and Chronic senescence
  • Track 4-2Cellular senescence
  • Track 4-3Immunosenescence
  • Track 4-4Impact of senescence on human health
  • Track 4-5In vitro senescence
  • Track 4-6Therapy-induced senescence

Choosing healthy foods may be a smart thing to achieve the ultimate goal of healthy and active maturing. Malnutrition is increasingly common within the older population. This can be a serious issue since malnutrition can be very terrible for health. Many individuals over the age of 65 are either under- or over-nourished. Among older individuals living in their own homes, almost 1 in 10 are suffering from under-nutrition. Many healthy older adults report that they skip at least one meal a day. For individuals over the age of 65 who become hospitalized, their risk of becoming undernourished may rise to as much as 60%. On the other hand, as much as one-third of individuals over the age of 65 endure from over-nutrition. That’s, they eat too much. The result could be a high rate of overweight and obesity in this age group.

  • Track 5-1Anti-aging foods
  • Track 5-2Changes in bone density
  • Track 5-3Changes in digestion
  • Track 5-4Changes in metabolism
  • Track 5-5Dehydration and Constipation
  • Track 5-6Malnutrition
  • Track 5-7Nutraceuticals
  • Track 5-8Nutrition for older adults
  • Track 5-9Sensory changes

Aging is the process of becoming older. Aging processes involves molecular, biochemical and biological mechanisms. In humans, aging represents the accumulation of changes encompassing physical, psychological, and social changes. For most human diseases aging is among the greatest known risk factors. The process of aging is driven at the cellular level by random molecular damage that accumulates slowly with age. Although cells mechanisms repair or remove damage, they are not fully efficient and their efficiency declines with age. No genes are known to have evolved specifically to cause damage; Aging is not a programmed process. In determining life-span the role of genetics is complex and paradoxical.

  • Track 6-1Aging and Genetic determinants
  • Track 6-2Aging genetic disorders
  • Track 6-3Aging genomics
  • Track 6-4Bioinformatics in aging
  • Track 6-5Epigenetics of aging

Life extension science is the concept of extending the human lifespan, both modestly – thru enhancements in medicine – or dramatically by way of growing the maximum lifespan. The potential to acquire such dramatic modifications, however, does not currently exist. Scientists believe that future breakthroughs in tissue rejuvenation, stem cells, regenerative medicinal drug, molecular repair, gene therapy, pharmaceuticals, and organ replacement (which includes with artificial organs or xenotransplantations) will ultimately allow human beings to have indefinite lifespans via whole rejuvenation to a healthy younger condition.

  • Track 7-1Cloning and Body part replacement
  • Track 7-2Genetic editing
  • Track 7-3Pharmaceutical science
  • Track 7-4Regenerative medicine
  • Track 7-5Rejuvenation

Law for old aged people is to strengthen and secure the legal rights, dignity, autonomy, quality of life, and quality of care of aging persons. It improves the quality of life for elderly people, including those who are poor or otherwise isolated by lack of education, language, culture, disability or other barriers.

  • Track 8-1Elder abuse
  • Track 8-2Guardianship
  • Track 8-3Health Care Decision Making
  • Track 8-4Neglect & Exploitation
  • Track 8-5Retirement

Geriatrics is a special branch of medicine that focuses on health care of elderly people. It promotes health in older adults by preventing and treating diseases and disabilities. People who are growing old are more susceptible to several medical complications such as neurological, respiratory, orthopaedic and cardiovascular diseases. Geriatrics differs from adult medicine because it focuses on the unique needs of the elderly person. Geriatricians focus primarily in the context of multiple chronic conditions, and on preserving function. Elderly patients frequently require an assortment of services with medicinal services and different issues. Geriatric patients sometimes may require home care, which will be given by organizations that utilize nurses and other health care professionals.

  • Track 9-1Clinical geriatrics
  • Track 9-2Genetics of aging
  • Track 9-3Geriatric dentistry
  • Track 9-4Geriatric gastroenterology
  • Track 9-5Geriatric nephrology
  • Track 9-6Geriatric otolaryngology
  • Track 9-7Geriatric rehabilitation
  • Track 9-8Geriatric surgery
  • Track 9-9Stem cells and aging

Genetics of aging is generally concerned with life extension associated with genetic alterations, rather than with accelerated aging diseases leading to a reduction in lifespan. Several genetic factors are implicated in aging. A current study of biological aging shows that some aging-associated changes are programmed, whereas others are random and unpredictable

  • Track 10-1DNA repair and Telomeres
  • Track 10-2Genetic and Epigenetic mechanisms
  • Track 10-3Genetic engineering
  • Track 10-4Genetic factors in aging
  • Track 10-5Life extension
  • Track 10-6Mutation

Aging is the process of becoming older. Aging can also be referred to as single cells within an organism which have ceased dividing (cell senescence) or to the population of a species (population aging). It represents the accumulation of modifications in an individual over time, encompassing physical, mental, and social modifications.

Gerontology is a multidisciplinary study that includes biology, psychology and sociology. It is the study of the social, cultural, mental, cognitive, and biological factors of aging.

  • Track 11-1Biogerontology
  • Track 11-2Environmental gerontology
  • Track 11-3Jurisprudential gerontology
  • Track 11-4Psychogerontology
  • Track 11-5Sociogerontology

Why do we age? This issue remains a major puzzle of science. Evolution is the process whereby genetic codes are adjusted, at first as the result of “transmission error.” Evolution is subsequently highly dependent on the details of the genetic communications and data storage scheme including the computerized benefits and confinements. In addition to clarifying why aging happens, the evolutionary hypothesis moreover gives knowledge into the mechanisms underlying the complex cellular and molecular changes that contribute to senescence, as well as an array of testable forecasts

  • Track 12-1Antagonistic pleiotropy
  • Track 12-2Classical aging theories
  • Track 12-3Disposable soma theory
  • Track 12-4Mutation accumulation
  • Track 12-5Phenoptosis
  • Track 12-6Programmed aging theories

The challenge of global population aging has been brought into sharper awareness. A number of nations are consequently reconsidering their pension and health care provisions, which account for as much as 40% of all government spending in superior economies. But population aging is an international phenomenon so that it will continue to have an effect on all areas of the world. By 2050 there might be the same number of old as young in the international, with 2 billion people aged 60 or over and every other 2 billion below age 15, each group accounting for 21% of the world’s population.

  • Track 13-1Economic and Social Consequences
  • Track 13-2Care work
  • Track 13-3Fertility, Mortality and Life Expectancy
  • Track 13-4Population aging
  • Track 13-5Social security

Cultural diversity plays an important role in aging. Culture describes a group whose individuals share common convictions, values, traditions, symbols, dialect, and socialization styles. As a person moves through the stages of life, he or she encounters an assortment of cultures through membership in families, occupations, communities, and services. Each culture contributes to the unique composition of a given person. Aging populations are getting to be more different in terms of colour, culture, character, inability, and socio-economic standing. As a result, the requirement for socially competent experts and businesses that serve and give products to older adults is progressively important.

  • Track 14-1Aging demographics
  • Track 14-2Age-related cognition
  • Track 14-3Cultural psychology
  • Track 14-4Cultural values
  • Track 14-5Social relationship
  • Track 14-6Socioemotional selectivity theory

Antioxidants are generally referred to as the molecules that reduce the probability of aging by neglecting or standardizing the level of oxidants with or without free radical activity. The so-called anti-oxidants molecules can be supplied through the dietary supplements or can be used as the constituents in cosmetics for the skin and they act as the key to long-lasting youth. The life span and the process of aging are interrelated in such a way that throughout the lifespan the aging process should be maintained slowly. The latest research has been carried out to treat the skin wrinkles with the nano-antioxidant formulations.

  • Track 15-1Aging research
  • Track 15-2Anti-Aging
  • Track 15-3Antioxidant supplementation and clinical conditions
  • Track 15-4Free radical theory
  • Track 15-5Longevity Determinant Genes (LDGs)
  • Track 15-6Oxidative damage
  • Track 15-7Slow aging process

There is a fact saying that if you are too skinny, you will appear older enough and if you are too heavy you will age more quickly. So the maintenance of anti-aging strategies becomes very important. The main anti-aging strategy includes eating/diet, stress reduction, regular physical and age-appropriate tests and consistent exercise and sufficient sleep. One should know that beginning the anti-aging strategies at the early stage is more beneficial. The goal of anti-aging strategies is to replace the hormones that will naturally cause aging through hormone replacement therapy. HRT promotes a better standard of living.

  • Track 16-1Anti-aging supplements
  • Track 16-2Cosmetological care
  • Track 16-3Dietary changes
  • Track 16-4Moderate aerobic exercise
  • Track 16-5Stress management

It is most often found that the frequency of the diseases associated with aging is found to increase rapidly in relation to the process of senescence. Some of the diseases associated with aging include Alzheimer’s disease, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cataracts and arthritis. Aging generally increases the effectivity of these diseases whereas the genetics decides the occurrence of these diseases. Understanding the biology of senescence is very much important in understanding the age-related diseases. Greying of hair is also one of the important changes associated with aging.

  • Track 17-1Chronic diseases
  • Track 17-2Disorders of Accelerated Aging
  • Track 17-3Neurological disorder
  • Track 17-4Premature aging disorders

Geriatric Management or Aging Care Management is the process of planning and coordinating the elderly people or the one with physical or mental impairments to improve their quality of life or meet their long-term requirements. Geriatric professionals have knowledge over psychology, family dynamics, public and other private resources to support elderly people. Geriatric care management generally includes healthcare management and the psychological care accompanying all the other kinds of needs such as housing, home care services and also any social and legal issues.

  • Track 18-1Aging care service
  • Track 18-2Assessment and Monitoring
  • Track 18-3Education and advocacy
  • Track 18-4Geriatric Care Manager
  • Track 18-5Planning and Problem-solving
  • Track 18-6Socialization and entertainment

Technology plays a vital role in the welfare of elderly people like it improves the education and training in online technologies for elder adults and gains them access through online services. It helps the adults in treating with disasters and emergency situations. Due to the advancement in technology, we could see the advancement of telehealth innovations. It helps and supports in designing better products for the needs of elderly people.

  • Track 19-1Activity sensors and Behavioral diagnostics
  • Track 19-2Biosensors and Bodily diagnostics
  • Track 19-3Health-related technology
  • Track 19-4Nanotechnology
  • Track 19-5Personal health informatics
  • Track 19-6Social engagement
  • Track 19-7Stem cell technology
  • Track 19-8Telemedicine elehealth

Aging involves a change in lifestyle for most people and it's important to take care of mental health as well as physical health. There's an assumption that mental health problems are a 'normal' aspect of aging but older people don't develop mental health problems, and they can be helped if they do.  Most have good mental health; many older adults are at risk of developing mental disorders, neurological disorders or substance use problems as well as other health conditions such as diabetes, hearing loss, and osteoarthritis.

Mental health among older adults is a multifaceted concept that reflects a range of clinical research activity, rather than a unified theoretical entity.

  • Track 20-1Alcoholism and Addiction
  • Track 20-2Dementia
  • Track 20-3Depression
  • Track 20-4Loneliness
  • Track 20-5Medication
  • Track 20-6Neuroplasticity